The SAB is a chartered Federal Advisory Committee, established in 1978, under the authority of the Environmental Research, Development and Demonstration Authorization Act (ERDDAA), codified at 42 U.S.C. 4365, to provide independent scientific and technical peer review, consultation, advice and recommendations to the EPA Administrator. Members of the SAB constitute a distinguished body of non-EPA scientists, engineers, and economists who are nationally and internationally recognized experts in their respective fields. Members are appointed by the EPA Administrator to serve as Special Government Employees and provide independent expert advice to the agency for a term of up to three years. The chartered SAB provides scientific advice to the EPA Administrator on a variety of EPA science and research topics. The SAB Staff Office invites nominations of individuals to serve on the chartered SAB with expertise or extensive experience in the following scientific disciplines and topics as they relate to human health and the environment: air quality; agricultural sciences and economics; analytical chemistry; atmospheric sciences; benefit-cost analysis; chemical safety; climate science; citizen science; community environmental health; dose-response assessment; drinking water; drinking water engineering; ecological sciences and ecological assessment; ecological risk assessment; ecosystem services; economics; energy and the environment; engineering; environmental justice; epidemiology; exposure assessment; forestry; geochemistry; health sciences; human health risk assessment; hydrology; hydrogeology; medicine; microbiology; modeling; pediatrics; chemical risk assessment; public health; physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling; risk assessment; social sciences; behavioral sciences; decision sciences; statistics; sustainability; radiological risk assessment; toxicology; uncertainty analysis; water quality; water quantity and reuse; waste management.
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